Google Scholar searches scholarly literature like journal articles across multiple disciplines and can be helpful for carrying out simple searches.
You can use google scholar to locate relevant material, and where possible connect you to the full text.
Using Google Scholar on campus
When you access Google Scholar on campus you will automatically see the "Find It @ Salford" links to the right of any articles we have electronic access to.
If Salford University does not have full text access electronically the Find It link will appear underneath the article and will take you to a page where you may find other options for access.
Using Google Scholar off campus
By configuring the way Google Scholar displays you can access the Find It options from off campus as well.
- Go to Google Scholar
- Click the Scholar Preferences link
- In the 'Library Links' section search for Salford
- Tick the box for 'University of Salford - Find It @ Salford'
- Click on Save Preferences